To know Meher Baba's hidden spiritual treasure hidden underground requires the removal of ignorance. Grasping the truth hidden by ignorance never comes out by being superficial understanding. The transparent truth of God, the Self, which is hidden by the illusion, is to be attained through a perfect understanding of God as it is s in the midst of the illusion (world).
Meher Baba says:~ UNLESS AND UNTIL ignorance is removed and Knowledge is gained . . . the Knowledge whereby the Divine Life is experienced and lived . . . everything pertaining to the spiritual seems paradoxical . . . GOD, whom we do not see, we say is real; and the world, which we do see, we say is false. Inexperience, what exists for us does not really exist; and what does not exist for us, really exists.
Meher Baba:~ There is no difference in the realization of the Truth either by a Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, or a Christian. The difference is only in words and terms. Truth is not the monopoly of a particular race or religion.
Meher Baba said: - To love God as he ought to be loved, we must live for God and die for God, knowing that the goal of life is to know God and find him as our own Self.
To realize God is to attain liberation from the bondage of illusion.
Live only to find and realize your true identity with your Beloved God.
The energy which is expended in mere thinking, talking or writing is like steam which escapes through the whistle of the railway engine …
That is why the sages have always insisted on practice rather than theory. This applies particularly to those who want to know and realize God.
Meher Baba said: ~ God is your innermost Self. Do not search for God outside of you. Let these words be inscribed in your heart. Nothing is real but God. Nothing Matters but love for God. God is everywhere and does everything. God is beyond us and is everything. God alone is and all else is an illusion.
When Meher Baba says that God is your innermost self and God alone is real all else is an illusion. It means the God, the Self alone is real and all else an illusion. The illusion is the world in which we exist.
Meher Baba says GOD, whom we do not see, we say is real; and the world, which we do see, we say is false. In experience, what exists for us does not really exist; and what does not exist for us, really exists
Meher Baba: ~ "There is no higher or lower goal. There is only one goal, Self-Realization."
Meher Baba: ~ “When religion has become merely a matter of external rituals and ceremonies, it has become a cage for the Soul.
Meher Baba: ~ “When religion has become merely a matter of external rituals and ceremonies, it has become a cage for the Soul.
Meher Baba: ~ “It is absolutely essential for the spiritual aspirant who genuinely longs for union with God, the reality to shun the false practice of yogic posture and exercise, the meditation on other than the God the beloved.
Meher Baba: ~ “It takes time for the runner to gain speed; it takes time for the sleeper to awake, and it takes ages for one who has been spiritually asleep to be spiritually awakened."
Meher Baba: ~ The scriptures are like rotten bones rotted and are as food for worms.
Theosophy and philosophy are like good bones rotted and are as food for vultures.
The writings of inspired poets are like fresh bones and are as food for dogs.
The writings of spiritually advanced saints are like flesh and are as food for tigers.
The writings by living Perfect Masters are like the brain and are as food for men!
Good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone, but rotten bones when rotted are like filth.
Theosophy and philosophy are like good bones rotted and are as food for vultures.
The writings of inspired poets are like fresh bones and are as food for dogs.
The writings of spiritually advanced saints are like flesh and are as food for tigers.
The writings by living Perfect Masters are like the brain and are as food for men!
Good bones when rotted have some semblance of bone, but rotten bones when rotted are like filth.
So, you may go through the scriptures superficially — only to drive away the barking dogs when necessary; for instance, when you are called upon to answer the queries of the priests and the orthodox. [Lord Meher 15: 5267]
Meher Baba: ~ “When the reality appears this ignorance which one thinks as reality becomes unreal.
Meher Baba: ~ “It takes time for the runner to gain speed; it takes time for the sleeper to awake, and it takes ages for one who has been spiritually asleep to be spiritually awakened."
Meher Baba: ~ “It is absolutely essential for the spiritual aspirant who genuinely longs for union with God, the reality to shun the false practice of yogic posture and exercise, the meditation on other than the God the beloved. (Letters from Mandali of Meher Baba P-98-100)
Meher Baba: - Spirituality does not need renunciation of worldly activities. It means the internal renunciation of mundane desires. Mere asceticism does not lead to spirituality. The Infinite embraces all expressions of life.