Mystics talk of universal consciousness. How do they know it in this sky, or in that rock, or in the ocean? It is merely their guesswork or imagination or hallucination based on their samskara or conditioning!
Every man knows God according to his likes and dislikes. That he must know him as Truth. One must have proof for all the claims - what God has done and what he is doing.
It is no use in arguing with someone who has faith in his religion because for him there can be no possible refutation of what he believes, so rational argument is entirely useless. He clings to his belief so strongly that he makes no distinction between the truth and his belief.
One has to know that the religious God cannot exist without the illusory universe. The truth does not depend on a religious God but it entirely depends on the illusory universe
It is foolish to venture to know the truth of God's existence without solving the mystery of the universe.
It is difficult for tradition-bound people to accept anything as truth, other than what they inherited from their inborn and inherited conditioning and parental grooming, and their accumulated knowledge.
Only an intense urge to know the truth and the courage to accept the truth after verification with a better understanding one will be able to drop all his accumulated dross, which is the main obstacle to Self-realization.
What do they know? means, "What do they know as a fact?"
Is there a God? What is his nature?
Let there be proof.
Why did God create suffering and pleasure?
Why does God torture mankind with all types of disasters and epidemics, violence?
Has God no better business to do?
It is useless to say that he is teaching people lessons through these sufferings.
What lesson can God teach the little child destroyed by fire the other day?
How can we believe that God is all-merciful when he constantly displeases the whole of humankind?
How do they know there is an Absolute or a God?
Such questions must arise for the seeker. The onus of proof is on the one who makes this assertion. Without proof, one should not accept any claims as truth.
There is no doubt that mystics saw Vishnu, Krishna, Kali Shiva, Jesus, etc. That they saw visions may be an undeniable fact, but the question is “Was what they saw the Truth?"
Many people make similar claims. They no doubt had such visions but they never stopped to inquire if their visions were true.
What is the value of mystic experience, what is the value of the words of great men? In pursuit of truth, the seeker has to examine and evaluate them all to find the truth. But one has to “Analyze, how far is it true?” because the waking entity itself is a false self’ within the false experience. Thus whatever the false self sees the false experience is bound to be a falsehood. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar
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