Sunday, November 3, 2019

It is foolish to say only some human being as an Avatar the whole illusory creation is Avatar of God.+

Sage Sankara’s  Brahman or God in truth in truth is impersonal. Worshiping personal Gods is meant for the ignorant  people who are refuse to accept the truth.  

You do not need the grace and blessings of the physical Gurus because you along with your guru are part and parcel of the illusory universe ort Maya,
Vedas bar human worship. There is no need for the seeker of truth to indulge in glorifying the Gurus and worship them as Gods.
There is no use of prostration to holy sandals of the Guru or indulgencing in Pada Pooja (feet worship) when the inner Guru is Soul, the ‘Self’, which is ever formless. The guru who identifies with his experience of birth, life, death, and the world, and the disciple who worships his guru’s body, will remain ignorant of the truth beyond the form, time, and space. Without getting rid of the ignorance they will never get freedom from experiencing the dualistic illusion as reality.
People think prostrating to a religious Guru, adoring the worst poverty-stricken have turned out to be great possessors of wealth, and even the mutes have turned out to be great masters of speech are ideas based on the dualistic perspective is meant for the ignorant populace which accepts the world as a reality. From the standpoint of the Soul, the ‘Self’, the world in which birth, life, and death take place is merely an illusion.
People think by prostrating to the physical Guru, which serves as the downpour of water to put out the fire of misfortunes, which removes the groups of distresses of those who prostrate to them. The devotion to the physical Guru and grace with the valuable dominion of renunciation is the religious idea. All the religious belief is nothing to with the ultimate truth or Brahman.
The devotion to the physical Guru and grace with the valuable dominion of renunciation is the religious idea.
A person who realized the ultimate truth or Brahman will throw off his religious robe and his religious identity and becomes free from experiencing the illusory duality as a reality.
Why worship and glorify the GURUS and YOGIS when Vedas bar human worship: ~
Translation 3

Yajur Veda:~
"They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakrti -- the material cause of the world -- in place of the All-pervading God, But those who worship visible things born of the prakrti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time."- (Yajur Veda 40:9)
Then why worship and glorify the GURUS and YOGIS (human form) in place of God when Veda bars such activities and also warns people who indulge in such activities are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time.


Gnani and Illusion.

A King who was greatly incensed at the wisdom taught by Gnani that everything here below is an illusion? He wanted to teach the exponent of this doctrine a lesson. So he invited the then Gnani to his palace. That Gnani went there and stoutly maintained that everything in this world is an illusion.

The king had arranged to let loose a hungry lion against Gnani. The beast rushed at Gnani who took to a precipitate flight to save himself.

'Oh, Venerable Sir,' shouted the king, 'why do you run so fast seeing that the lion is only an illusion?'

'Oh, king,' said Gnani in the course of his flight, 'my running too is an illusion. Everything in this world is an illusion.’

Similarly, whatever takes place in this world, in which you exist, is an illusion. The Avatar based on mythology is a religious fable. God is not an individual. Avatar belongs to the domain of form, time, and space whereas God is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence.

The world in which you exist is created out of God in truth and God in truth is present in the form of consciousness. Thus, everything is created out of God, thus all animate and inanimate things of the world are nothing but God. It is foolish to say only some human beings as Avatars the whole illusory creation is an Avatar of God. 

Only those who have realized the body is not the Self and the Self as the 'Self', like Meher Baba, can say of the Avatar because his vision of the world is Soulcentric.

Meher Baba said: ~ God is your innermost Self. Do not search for God outside of you. Let these words be inscribed in your heart. Nothing is real but God. Nothing Matters but love for God. God is everywhere and does everything. God is beyond us and is everything. God alone is and all else is an illusion. 

Meher Baba:~Every one of us is Avatar, in the sense that everyone and everything is everyone and everything, at the same time, and for all time.
Meher Baba: ~ “When the reality appears this ignorance which one thinks as reality becomes unreal.
Meher Baba says:~ Unless and until ignorance is removed and Knowledge is gained . . . the Knowledge whereby the Divine Life is experienced and lived . . . everything pertaining to the spiritual seems paradoxical . . . God, whom we do not see, we say is real; and the world, which we do see, we say is false.
In experience, what exists for us does not really exist; and what does not exist for us, really exists.
Meher Baba said: ~ "There is no higher or lower goal. There is only one goal, Self-Realization."
Meher Baba said: ~ God is your innermost Self. Do not search for God outside of you. Let these words be inscribed in your heart. Nothing is real but God. Nothing Matters but love for God. God is everywhere and does everything. God is beyond us and is everything. God alone is and all else is an illusion.


In mystical realization, they call Self- Realized person as Avatar without knowing what God is supposed to be in actuality.  In spiritualistic realization, they call the Self-realized person as Gnani who has realized God in truth. 

A Gnani is the one, who is fully aware of the fact that the Self is not the form but the Self is consciousness, and he considers his body and his experience of the world as an illusion created out of  the Soul or consciousness

Righteousness, peace, and love for divinity are necessary within the dualistic illusion or Maya. Righteousness, peace, and love for divinity are created out of consciousness. Without consciousness, there is no righteousness, no peace, and no love. Realizing the consciousness as the ultimate truth is truth realization.

Righteousness, peace, and love for divinity are necessary for practical life within the practical world, but they are no qualifications for truth realization.

A Gnani's vision of the world, in which he exists, is, beyond time and space, embracing the Soul, ultimate reality. The universe in which you exist is within the Soul, the Self.

Gnani observes the reality hidden by the dualistic illusion (world) as it is in the midst of the dualistic illusion.

Rig Veda: ~ 'Prajnanam Brahma'- Consciousness is the ultimate reality or Brahman or God in truth.

Do not accept any other God other than the Soul. The Soul is God in truth,  Nothing is real but the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Nothing matters but realizing God in truth. God in truth is everywhere and in everything. Let these words be inscribed in your subconscious.

God in truth is hidden by the illusory universe. God in truth alone is real and eternal and all else is an illusion.

Brahman is merely a word to indicate the ultimate truth or God in truth.  The ultimate truth itself is God in truth. 

Self- Knowledge is true knowledge of God in truth, not the absence of duality. Self -Knowledge cannot destroy the world but it eliminates ignorance and exposes the unreal nature of the mind or universe.

A Gnani is the one who has realized the universe in which he exists is nothing but consciousness. Self-awareness is unique. It cannot be experienced because it is prior to any experience. It is possible only by the realization of the knowledge of the Infinite."

A Gnani sees only unity in diversity, just like a goldsmith estimating the gold in various items of jewelry sees only gold. When one identifies the Self with the form then only the form, time, and space are present. But when one transcends form, time, and space the duality never remains as reality.

The world in which you exist is not separate from the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness because the world in which you exist is an illusion created out of consciousness. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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