Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sage Sankara stated that the Karma Kanda of the Vedas deals with the injunctions relating to the performance of duties and actions are for ordinary householders.+

The most valuable contribution of Sage Sankara is that he gained general consciousness on the issue that the authoritative explanation of Upanishads, Gita, and Brahma Sutra was the final say in the matter of religion. Anything that goes contrary to the trio is not authentic. Sage Sankara also made a clear distinction between Vedas and Upanishads in his commentary on Gita. 

Sage Sankara stated that the Karma Kanda of the Vedas deals with the injunctions relating to the performance of duties and actions. These are for ordinary householders not for those who are seeking the truth.  

That is why Sage Goudapada said: ~ “The merciful Veda teaches karma and Upaasana to people of lower and middling intellect, while Advaitic Gnana is taught to those of higher intellect. Thus, Sage Goudapada suggests that the religious paths and worship of the Guru and conceptual God are lower and middling intellect. 

In this modern world, people are sharp enough to understand and assimilate the ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth. Thus people who want the higher truth then it is high time to discard the lower knowledge and move ahead to realize the ultimate truth, which is Brahman or God in truth.   

Sage Sankara says: ~ ‘The path of religion, the path of yoga, and the path of wisdom were intended for different classes of people. The wisdom is for the advanced seekers of truth. It deals with the nature of the ultimate Truth and Reality. It is meant for superior aspirants who have an inner urge to know the truth and it is not for those who are immersed in earthly desires. 

Sage Sankara’s whole wisdom can be summed up in one sentence, ‘There is nothing else but Brahma. He says that the Absolute Existence, Absolute Knowledge, and Absolute Bliss is Real. The universe is not real. He says that Brahma and Atman are one. The ultimate and the Absolute Truth is the Self, which is one though appearing as many in different individuals. The individual has no reality. Only the Self is real; the rest, mental and physical are but passing appearances. 

In fact, Sage Sankara states a paradox- the world is and is not. It is neither real nor unreal. It leads us to recognize the existence of Maya. He thinks that the world is illusory from one perspective and from the second it is nothing but Brahma, Itself in manifestation. This apparent world is Maya and has its basis in Brahman, the Eternal. It looks real. It has names and forms and actually, it is not real In the light of true knowledge, it disappears, and 'Self' alone shines as real. However, Sage  Sankara’s Mayavada has not been accepted by many preachers and philosophers. 

When Sage Sankara says clearly, the universe is not real. He says that Brahman and Atman are one. The ultimate and the Absolute Truth is the Self, which is one though appearing as many in different individuals. The individual has no reality. Only the Self is Real; the rest, mental and physical are but passing appearances, then it indicates the form (waking/duality/mind) is unreal the formless is real (Soul/Spirit/Witness). Therefore, only Atman is real because there is no second thing other than Atman. 

Sage  Sankara says: ~ “The exercise in discrimination between real and unreal and renunciation of the false is real meditation, then why you are indulging in other types of meditation. 

Chandogya Upanishad:~ One who meditates upon and realizes the 'Self' discovers that everything in the cosmos-- energy and space, fire and water, name and form, birth and death, mind and will, word and deed, mantrams and meditation--all come from the Self

Those who lack the intelligence to discriminate between the subject and the object will not be able to grasp what is real and what is unreal. Both the subject and object are the consciousness, not the subject alone.

The subject is the Soul, the Spirit, and the object is the ‘I’ the matter. The Soul, the Self is the Spirit. The Soul, the Self is the subject. The ‘I’ in the universe is the matter. 

Unless you realize ‘What is the subject?’ and ‘What is the object’? -  ‘You will never be able to unfold the mystery hidden by the ‘I’.

You have been misled by the Eastern and Western Advaitic Gurus and their ‘I-centric teachings you are unable to grasp the ‘Self’ hidden by the ‘I’. The ‘Self' hidden by the ‘I’ means the Spirit hidden by the matter. 

Remember the eastern and western Advaitic Gurus and their ‘I-centric teachings are not the Advaitic wisdom of Sage  Sankara. 

Sage  Sankara says: ~What is accepted without proper inquiry will not lead a person to the final goal. On the contrary, such acceptance will result only in evil, in something detrimental to our spiritual progress. 

Unless you drop all eastern and western Advaitic Gurus and their ‘I-centric teachings you will not be able to acquire the Advaitic wisdom of Sage  Sankara who is the founder of the Advaitic wisdom.

Being means a thing. How do you know this world exists? How do you know that you exist in this world? It is the ‘Self; the witness that gives you the idea of being in the world. Apart from the Soul, the ‘Self’  you never realize that there is such a thing as being.

The first step is to distinguish between the real and the unreal.  That is to know about the dual and nondual experience.  The seeker has to discriminate between real and unreal. It means separating the subject from the object through deeper analysis.

The real is the subject and the unreal is an object. The Advaitic Gurus of the East and West cannot think of the subject because they are unaware of the fact that the subject is hidden by the object.  Unless you drop

Without the subject, there is no object.  The subject can stay without the object whereas the object is fully dependent on the subject for its existence because the object is nothing but an illusion created out of the subject.

The subject contained in the object. The consciousness cannot be apart from the object because the object is merely an illusion. Thus, the objective illusion has no value because it is non-existent without consciousness.

 The dualists regard objects as a reality because they are ignorant have no idea of a subject and hence never seek for it.  From the Advaitic perspective, the object is also regarded as the subject because the object is nothing but an illusion created out of the subject.

The ice will not form without the water, and the cloud will not form without the water, similarly, the world, in which you exist ceases to exist without consciousness.
The world, in which you exist, is created out of a single stuff.  The Knowledge of the single stuff is Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. 

The world in which we exist is an object to the Soul, which is the formless subject.   The object is created out of the subject. In reality, the subject and object are one, in essence. That essence is the Soul, which is present in the form of the consciousness.

Thus, the world in which we exist is nothing but the consciousness, which is the subject. Thus, the subject alone is real and eternal, the world in which we exist is merely an illusion.
From the standpoint of the Soul, the innermost Self, there is neither the object nor the subject, there is unity in diversity. : ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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