Monday, December 4, 2017

Mentally you must imbibe Advaitic wisdom of the Sages of Sage Sankara.+

One sees many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises. Can he, therefore, say that there are no stars in the sky during the day?
The world in which you exist hides the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Without consciousness, the world in which you exist ceases to exist. The world in which you exist is nothing but consciousness.
One is unaware of the Soul the  Self, due to ignorance. The Soul or consciousness is Self-evident. It is not established by extraneous proofs. It is not possible to deny consciousness because it is the very essence of the one who denies it. Consciousness is the basis of all kinds of knowledge, presuppositions, and proofs. Consciousness is the true Self.
Consciousness is hidden within the world in which you exist. Until one thinks of his body as a body, ego as ego the universe as the universe he remains in ignorance because he is still in ignorance and he is unaware of the fact that they too are consciousness.
Consciousness is not an object, as it is invisible, beyond the reach of the eyes. It is not another. It is all-full, infinite, changeless, Self-existent, Self-delight, and Self-knowledge. It is the essence. It is the essence of the knower. It is the formless substance and Witness of the dualistic illusion. 
Humanity has to awaken to the reality of its true existence by realizing the world in which humanity exists is merely an illusion created out of the consciousness through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana frees the Soul, the Self from the cage of the dualistic illusion.
Sage  Sankara says ~ VC-162- There is no liberation for a person of mere book knowledge, howsoever well-read in the philosophy of Vedanta, so long as one does not give up the false identification with the body, sense organs, etc., which are unreal. 
The Soul is the Self. The Soul is present in the form of consciousness.  Consciousness is indestructible and inseparable from itself because it is a formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. Consciousness pervades everything and everywhere in all three states.

The Soul, the  Self is ever free from all taint. The mind exists as an illusion within the Soul, the Self. Thus, the Soul or consciousness is the ultimate truth or Brahman. The ultimate truth or Brahman or God in truth.

Consciousness is God and God pervades everything and everywhere in all three states. Thus, the mystic claim that ‘I AM GOD’ is incorrect because God is not an individual because God pervades everything and everywhere in all three states.  
Thus, one has to realize the individual God propagated by the belief systems is an imaginary God based on the false Self within the false experience.

Verily the Soul the innermost Self is all, free from differentiation and non-differentiation because it is formless. Neither can it be said, It is” not nor “It is not." It is a great mystery.

This is the whole substance of ultimate understanding. With Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma, Gnana is based on the Soul, the Self, whereas all other Knowledge is based on the ego. Whatever is based on the ego is bound to be a falsehood.

Don’t bother about anything other than the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. Only stick to the Soul, the ultimate truth, or Brahman or God. mentally Don’t let go of your hold on the Soul under any circumstances. 
Unless and until ignorance is removed and Self-knowledge is gained, the world in which we exist will prevail as reality. Therefore, there is a need to know how this world came into existence.  
The Soul, which we do not see, we say is real; and the world, which we do see, we say is false. 
In Self-awareness, what exists for us does not really exist; and what does not exist for us, really exists.
Ignorance creates the division of illusory form, time, and space in the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. 
The universe is based on illusory form, time, and space. without this illusory division of the form, time, and space within consciousness, the universe ceases to exist. The illusory division of form, time, and space creates divisions based on sex, race, nationality, religion or caste, and creed.
Mentally you must imbibe the Advaitic wisdom of the Sage Sankara.
Mentally you must shed ignorance and get disentangled from the myth propagated by the religious myth.
Mentally you must shed all the accumulated egocentric knowledge and get disentangled from the religious conditioning.
Mentally you must shed prejudices and get disentangled from the superficial distinctions
Mentally you must tread the Atmic path to the formless, timeless, and spaceless existence. the path to the Soul, the real God, One without the second. ...
When you enthrone the Soul, the one without the second mentally, you do not necessarily put an end to the game of dualistic life. You have to play your illusory role in the dualistic illusion without being caught up in duality play by remaining in this world, not of this world. Unity in the midst of its diversity.
The Soul is One and all divisions are imaginary. Be ye established in this eternal Truth The Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness is an undivided and indivisible Ocean.
The Atman, the innermost Self cannot be experienced, because the experience is possible only in the realm of duality. Atman is prior to any experience. In Self-awareness, there is neither experience nor experiencer. 

In Self-awareness, the body, ego, and the world are not considered different from consciousness. Thus the whole universe (form, time, and space) in which we exist is nothing but an illusion created out of the consciousness. Thus, the consciousness alone is real all else is merely an illusion created out of consciousness. ~ Santthosh Kumaar

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