Thursday, February 1, 2018

Your I know attitude is blocking you from realizing the truth, which is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space. +

Your ‘I’ know attitude is blocking you from realizing the truth, which is hidden by the illusory form, time, and space.

Instead of finding fault and maligning others first realize what the Self is in actuality. Amazingly an honest introspection will reveal that all fault lies with “you” and “your "own perceptions and attitudes. 
If there is an error in understanding what 'Self' is in actuality it is in “you".  Correcting this and changing to a Soulcentric attitude will change your perception and then the Soul; the 'Self' will reveal its formless, timeless, and spaceless true nature.  
Truth means certainty. If there is any uncertainty it is not the truth. It does not deal with imagination. 
People do not have a scientific attitude because they take things as presented to them. They have rather emotional and sentimental attitudes. The correct attitude is to verify all the facts, to see a problem in them, something to investigate and inquire into them.


Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value.  Those who lack the capacity to doubt are not fit for the pursuit of truth. 

Analogical, inductive, and deductive reasoning are good only within the dualistic; none are absolutely and universally infallible because they are based on the ego, which is the false Self within the false experience. 

Really no time is required if the seeker is sharp enough to grasp the Advaitic truth. All the accumulated knowledge and inherited religious conditioning or samskaras block the realization of the ultimate truth or Brahman or God. 

All the seeker needs is an intense urge to realize the truth. If the seeker is serious and sincere, he has it. After all, it is a matter of attitude. 

Nothing stops you from being a Gnani, right in this very life, not in the next life or the next world. Fear of losing your physical identity people are afraid to inquire. 

There is nothing to be afraid of. Nothing is lost by realizing the truth only the unreal nature of the world in which you exist is exposed, the same way the unreal nature of the dream is exposed when the waking takes place. 
Bhagavan Buddha: ~ “There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth: not going all the way... and not starting.
You have got stuck with some Guru and his teaching without verifying whether the guru or teaching is saying the truth it may be the half-truth or no truth at all.
Bhagavan Buddha said: ~” Believe nothing just because a so-called wise person said it. Believe nothing just because a belief is generally held. Believe nothing just because it is said in ancient books. Believe nothing just because it is said to be of divine origin. Believe nothing just because someone else believes it. Believe only what you, yourself test and judge to be true,
It is foolish to cling to some Guru and his teaching and stop your inward journey. Only when we independently search for the truth without religion and its doctrine then we will be able to realize the truth beyond form, time, and space.
Unless you exercise your reason (Buddhi) ~ there is no chance of getting the ultimate truth or Brahman.
Jesus said: ~Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find it, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"
Kabir views humanity as being caught up in the illusion, searching for Ultimate Reality in all the wrong places, always seeking It outside of ourselves in various rituals, temples, forests, and mountaintops, not realizing That which we seek is already hidden within us.
The ultimate truth or Brahman (God) dwells within the three states like fragrance in the flower; Musk lies within the Musk-deer yet seeks it afar." Until one traces the truth within the three states the illusion of birth, life, death, and the world is experienced as reality. 


Some Gurus say by dropping the body and mind you get enlightenment but without knowing what this body and mind are supposed to be in actuality it is impossible to realize the truth, which is hidden by the dualistic illusion, which is present in the form of the ‘I’.
People only imagine that way by dropping the body and the mind they get enlightenment. Imagination is not the truth. It is impossible to drop the body alone because the body and the world have appeared together and they disappear together.
Only by getting rid of the whole dualistic illusion the reality hidden by the dualistic illusion will be revealed. Only when the ignorance vanishes then only the dualistic illusion vanish. Only through Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana, the ignorance vanish.
From the dualistic perspective, people see the world in which they exist as a reality. They see their body as the body, their ego as the ego, and the world in which they exist as the world whereas a Gnani sees everything from a nondualistic perspective.

A Gnani sees his body as the consciousness, his ego as consciousness, and the world in which he exists as consciousness.
For a Gnani, whatever is seen, known, believed, and experienced is nothing but consciousness. There is unity in diversity in Gnani understanding whereas the ignorant people see only diversity and separation.
In Advaitic Self-awareness, the ego is not considered as ego, even though the ego is present, the body is not considered as a body even though the body is present, the world which confronts him is not considered as the world even though the world is present, the duality ceases even though the duality is present, because of wisdom everything is considered as consciousness. Thus there is conscious oneness.
Only in ignorance, the world in which we exist is an illusion created out of the Soul, the  Self.

The world is both real and unreal. It is real because it is a manifestation of consciousness, but is unreal, in the sense, that it is not absolute and eternal like consciousness itself.
People's approach is more practical, and they stuck with the reality of the world, they take it as real. That is why all the confusion.
The look of an object will depend upon the medium through which the observer views it. In fact, our mental and intellectual conditions determine the world, observed and experienced. The commoner viewing the world will see differently from a Gnani viewing the same world. Each one interprets the world that they see in terms of their existing knowledge. The commoner sees everything based on the ego and, therefore, experiences birth, life, death, and the world as a reality, whereas a Gnani sees everything as consciousness and he is fully aware of the fact that, there is no second thing that exists other than the Soul or consciousness. 
Thus, all the egocentric (religious) adulteration has to be bifurcated to realize the ultimate truth, which is beyond form, time, and space.
Thus, it is necessary to learn to view and judge the worldview from the non-dualistic perspective, to realize that form, time and space are one in essence. There is nothing to realize other than realizing that consciousness is everything. Consciousness is second to none.
When everything is nothing but consciousness then what remains is not consciousness. 
Without knowing ‘what is this mind in actuality it is impossible to realize the truth hidden by the mind. People are stuck thinking the mind is within their body and theorize and write books speculating and creating their own theories. 
Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the ‘I’ is present in the form of the mind. And the mind is in the form of the universe. And the universe appears as the waking or the dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (nonduality). 
Self-realization is necessary to realize the mind, which is present in the form of the universe is merely an illusion. The mind cannot be destroyed because it is merely an illusion. 
When Advaitic wisdom dawns the unreal nature of the mind is exposed, the same way the unreal nature of the dream was exposed when the waking takes place.  
I am highlighting all the obstacles in the inner journey and how to overcome these obstacles. All accumulated knowledge is of no use in the Atmic path. 
It is for every seeker, who is on the Atmic path to realizing himself “What is the truth? “and “What is untruth?” to assimilate the Self–Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. My postings are only signposts. 
The seeker needs to reflect constantly on the subject till the cobwebs of his doubts and confusion get cleared.
It takes time for the seeker to gain the perfect understanding of ‘what is the truth?’ and ‘’what is untruth’. It takes time for the Soul, the Self to wake up from the sleep of ignorance, and it takes time for one to realize the truth, which is beyond form, time, and space. :~Santthosh Kumaar

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